Pain Control in the Elderly

Regardless of whether or not you are finally reaching the twilight stage of your life and need to manage your own paying for our a caregiver for responsible party that has been charged with the pain management of an elder in your life, you need to make sure that you understand all of the critical differences that pain management for the elderly brings to the table.

Believe it or not, pain management for elderly people has a number of marked differences from pain management for a younger folks. There are a handful of key considerations that you’ll need to keep in mind and a number of very specific directions you cannot afford to ignore.

Hopefully this quick guide helps you moving forward!

The overwhelming majority of elderly adults will deal with two types of pain on a daily basis
As Father Time continues to march along, we have to become comfortable with the understanding that our elderly years are going to be spent battling pain in a number of different forms.

Chronic pain (consistent pain that continues or even becomes worse over time) is going to be a mainstay in most of our lives, and will need to make sure that we are taking advantage of pain control strategies that eliminate or alleviate as much of that chronic pain as possible.
Acute pain, the kind of pain that you get from an injury, the kind of pain that suddenly hits you like a ton of bricks or a lightning double almost out of nowhere, also needs to be properly addressed in your twilight years – and it is (usually) going to require different painkillers and a different pain control management solution than chronic pain.

How to recognize pain in elderly people

Even though we just detailed the overwhelming majority of people in their later years are going to be dealing with chronic pain and acute pain on a regular basis, it’s also true that many of them will try to actively hide or refuse to acknowledge that they are dealing with these issues.  Whether it’s because of a stubborn sense of pride or a refusal to give into the fact that their bodies have begun to betray them makes absolutely no difference. It’s important that you can immediately recognize pain and take the necessary steps to get rid of it just as quickly as efficiently as you can.

A couple of things to look for include (but certainly aren’t limited to):
Major mood swings
A tendency to favor one side or part of the body over another
Sadness, moaning, heavy breathing, or shuffling around
A poor appetite and lack of eating
Major changes to a sleeping pattern
A resistance or aversion physical contact

Those aren’t the only things that you should be on the lookout for, but they are certainly signals that will tell you that something isn’t right and some things need to be addressed.
How to treat acute or chronic pain in elders

Though you will always want to get the help of a trusted and highly trained medical professional when it comes to pain management for those in their elder years, you’ll also want to try and provide your input along the way as well.

Painkillers and pain control solutions like Co-Codamol (a dual action painkiller that has been proven to perform very well in elderly people) can be recommended to your doctors, and they will provide you with the feedback you need to decide whether or not that’s the kind of direction you’ll want to go in.

At the end of the day, you’ll want to follow their advice when they recommend to buy Co-Codamol or not – and you’ll always want to follow the pain control system that they have outlined for you and the elderly person in your care!

Sports Injuries: Coping with Pain

Some of the most common injuries are those related to sports and other physical activities.

Because most of the global population partakes in some kind of physical activity from time to time, these injuries are quite common. Unfortunately, that does not mean that these injuries or this damage is easy to repair or the pain simple to manage – nothing could be further from the truth.

If you are dealing with sports injuries and trying to find ways to conquer the pain that is radiating throughout your body, with or without surgery, you’re going to want to pay close attention to the details below.

Proper diagnosis is critical

A proper diagnosis for any injury or medical issue is par for the course, so we won’t spend much time talking about it. However, if you are one that resists visiting your general practitioner every time a bit of pain flares up from an old football injury, it’s a good idea to have it checked out so that you can get a proper diagnosis for the underlying issues – as well as some direction as to how you can go about pain control and pain relief.

Physical therapy

One of the most effective ways to alleviate the pain and stress you’re dealing with from a sports injury is to go through a rigorous and scheduled physical therapy program. Depending entirely upon the actual injury that you’re dealing with and a whole host of other personal factors, your physical therapy session could involve:

Light rehabilitation work

Targeted physical exercise

Scheduled testing and progress reports

Massage and temperature therapy

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

What about pain medications like Co-Codamol?

If your pain is chronic, consistent, or incredibly acute and almost unmanageable, your general practitioner may recommend you go forward with a potent pain relief solution or pain control medicine like Co-Codamol.

A dual action pain relief solution that leverages two different pain relieving active ingredients (paracetamol and codeine), the most powerful versions of Co-Codamol are only able to be purchased with a doctor’s prescription. But in the UK at least you can buy co-codamol online – get more information here

Because this is such a potent pain relief solution, you’re going to want to make sure that if you are given the “green light” to buy Co-Codamol you are following the directions outlined by your general practitioner or the attending physicians that has made the recommendation to the letter. You can also get some great information on how to use co-codamol (and how not to!) on this NHS page about its use for painful shingles.

Side effects potentially include feeling sick, constipation, dry mouth and dizziness, as well as skin inflammation and itchiness or irritation – but you may not experience any of the side effects at all, as well.

Obviously, if side effects present themselves while you use Co-Codamol, you’ll want to speak to a medical professional that you trust and discontinue using the medicine right away.

At the end of the day, there are multiple ways that you can better manage the sports injuries that you are dealing with on a daily basis.

Whether it means physical therapy, grinning and bearing through the pain, or taking advantage of pain relievers by making the decision to buy Co-Codamol (or other options) is entirely up to your specific situation.

If, however, you do end up deciding to buy cocodamol or a similar powerful pain control solution, it’s critical that you purchase these pain relief solutions only through licensed pharmacies.

You’ll also want to make sure that these online pharmacies in the United Kingdom have established working relationships with medical professionals in good standing, and that they understand exactly what you expect of them and that they are willing to work with you, your general practitioner, and any of the other medical experts there involved in the rehabilitation of your sports injuries.